How to play strategies of Ora Star Mobile Games Mirror Fighting Battle Pope

Time: 2022-05-16 17:50:25 Source: ApkHome Chief Editor: ApkHome

In \"Ora Star Mobile Games\", many players who do n’t know how to play the Mirror Battle Pope Dog head, so today I will introduce you to the Ola Star Mobile Games Mirror Fighting Battle Pope Dog Termia Raiders, there are small need for small needs.Don't miss it.

\"Ola Star Mobile Games\" Mirror Mirror Fighting Pope Dog Termid Raiders

The idea is very simple, just choose one as the opposite BOSS system or the same or the same or the opposite boss systemYabi, which is faintly output (the lower the combat power, the better)

Then the dog head outputs the output of the opposite side, and the remaining random kills

I will directly hold coca andSend the opposite opposite of Zhan Yan Wuyan, use fools and big heads

I can only take one in seconds for a long time, and finally I can only fight

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